Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Little free library

He rode conductors seat this time as he thought back to days of riding on the rails and all those stories along the way.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Little free library

A 56 ford 

Rests after driving 

The full/fall moon on

Handfuls of cheerios and waking 

Dreams pulling them onward 

She stands with good earth under foot

Wanting for nothing,  the message of God 

Meant for her,

She hesitates to communicate to grand offspring yet to be

Before she sleeps and everything is wiped new

Yawning and signaling that it is possessed 

She let's her eyes go towards fatigue 

Longing for the rejoining with the current of the Neverending now,  she questions whether she included the entirety of the 56 ford.  

Unedited :

A 56 ford rests after driving with the full moon.
With only  handfuls of cheerios and dreams pulling them onward, she stands with good earth under her feat.
A story is waiting around the corner. 
Wanting for nothing,
the message of God,
that is meant for her, 
she hesitates to communicate to
grand offspring yet to be,
before sleep overtakes her, 
and everything is wiped new

Yawning and signaling that it is possessed, she rests her eyes, let's go,

Letting fatigue, longing for the  rejoining with the current of the Neverending now,  she questions whether she included the entirety of the 56 ford,

The late night information flow

The never ending now playing out in the moments before we fall asleep. We're too tired to get up and write the secret down because we're certain we won't forget. Every night memory wipes and we start again  to find the answers.
All of the information that is or ever will be is in the present moment creating the never ending now.
Every spark of genius that ever was or will be is now. By being present you can access all information.
You have to write it down. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Little free library

Lyons waiting for the pump remember a

Perfect moment of tremendous speed across water 

Caught in thinning hair, smokey mustache whiskers, 

Loose collars, trailing out a testament to

 tears that are acceptable to the machinists

 weekend witnessed by the cream coveralls 

Attending to giant chess pieces pumping. 

Unedited :

Waiting for the pump
The sun hits the shiny skin
She remembers a perfect moment
He thinks of his boat
The white dress shirt is unbuttoned to catch the speed
The wind tugging  his thinning hair
Salty seasoned tears streaming down the  sides of his face.
The mustache whiskers catch the smoke that trails out a testament to the tremendous speed that man can travel across water.  
the attendant in cream overalls waves him next.
We both wonder when the last time we will see these kinds of pump.
They watch the car  leaving and wonder when the last time they'll see that kind of car together.
We pass each other.
we agree that you can tell a lot about a person by their vehicles.

Little free library

On a dusty road the child's shadow shakes as it's too large of shoes catch on the heel of the other
The big hat creates a net of shade hiding the identity. 
Garments borrowed on a trip of importance down a road that doesn't exist. 
Horse buggy rests next to plowed hilly  fields.
The horses stand present as witness.

Thoughts in metal