Monday, October 31, 2016

SATOR singularity dome

She is ancient beauty , glowing dome in the night, 
Approaching slowly,  clawing deep impressions dragging through the muck.
To be bronzed for posterity. 
Carrying SATOR dome on her back  frozen lightning full of Lumens 
flashing winking smirks in passing. 

She looks everyone directly in the eye.
"Give me your old,  tired, and  worn.  I guarantee, in me,  a far better place;  beyond your wildest dreams.  "

The word is drafting  lonely sticks and twigs into pairs around the edges of the derelict pond. 

Retired custodians waiting to depart from polished station comfort. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


The rhinos stamping embers
Before smoke turns to flame

Bare feet

These words count time
padding flames testify
Starting in the middle
Bare feet brought us here
Pulling playful nose
Towards unknown truth
Without the longer pause,
We exhale
Crying eyes for sleep. 
Building strength awakens
Pushing past the maze fields
Hiding confused  blind mice
Holding secrets out,
Carving thoughts into
words and shapes
Promising to return ,
The nose sets out
Against great odds, 
Meat meets bones
Are Quicker together.
The gears are too small to see,
But you can taste
sweetness as you exhale
hands of gratitude. 
She disrupts images of beauty,
Casting  out our willful hands 
A great whiff and sniff creates the vortex that carries us inside.
Speaking in echoes across the void.
Not down the rabbit hole,  but up the canines nose.