You're biggest fear of being boring and unimportant will be chasing you the rest of your life.
You will continue to place your entire self esteem on your physical appearance, until enough time has passed and you can no longer hide from how ugly you truly are.
You will continue to consume and attempt to purchase your ease of mind.
Gifts for those who support your perspective on yourself that you wish was true.
Balding from the genetic stress and joints arthritic with resentment, and bitter lines tell the story of years of denial and delusions of grandeur unrealized.
This words will hibernate through the years of celebration.
Pretending to like alcohol to appear more interesting and fun until the day comes where you are not able to hide behind the loud music, dim lights, and youthful lusts connecting with people.
You will quote popular spiritual sayings that are trending at the time to elevate your self perception of pretend internal growth.
"I'm really trying to learn how to love myself and put myself first " or" I'm learning how to be comfortable on my own "
" I'm really trying to face my fears "
As these words begin to fulfill themselves your sense of guilt and regret will drive you to a form of charitable penance where you no longer search for praise on your faded physical beauty, but instead look for artificial confirmation on morally impossible emotions like compassion, empathy, selflessness, or humility.
Your fears of being alone will haunt your empty halls of unimportant buildings.
You won't be able to escape the memories of the love that was rejected.
The next 30 years will be spent doing one of following : trying to relive the good past memories. 2. Running from whatever the perception of unpleasantness that you might be feeling in the current moments. 3. Waiting for a future idealized moment that will never come.
You are so vain, you will:
first be angry that you feel like this is written about you.
2. Your ego will kick in and say" that's not me.
3. This Prophesy doesn't know anything
The only love you will be able to give is the type that is purchased and then gone later.
You will hold onto your possessions and gather more to you as you feel more and more lonely and unlovable.
When there is no one else who wants to buy your love, where will you be??
You will hide in your mindless entertainment designed to sell you more unhappiness to fill your sense of guilt and identity.
You will always be late.
You will have days when you won't get out of bed because you are so empty.
If you have children, you will spoil them with a life of unreal expectations, Consumerism, entitlement, and emptiness.
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